Thursday, March 18, 2010

!امتحاب العربي

First Arabic test tomorrow! Some proof that I have been learning Arabic.. I can write my name: ديانا I wish learning was done through osmosis. Spelling Arabic is a lot harder than learning the alphabet itself in my opinion. After my test tomorrow, I'm going to play frisbee on the beach with my host brother, go for a run, and take a nice long shower in the hamam for the first time before we leave for our village stay! On Sunday, I'll be leaving Rabat for a week and staying with a host family in a small village. We have been forewarned that there are no toilets or showers at our homestay.. which means that if we need to go to the bathroom, we dig a hole in the ground and that's our toilet! I'm not sure I'll have electricity either, so I don't plan on bringing my computer.. no internet for a week, I can survive :) Next week will be a bookfest, among other life lessons. This traveling thing is definitely unending! I'm currently uploading pictures from our southern excursion, so hopefully they'll be up soon. No guarantees about pictures from the village stay though. Hmm, who knows, maybe it's better that way.

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